About Us
Dr. Mustafa Wameedh's ePortfolio highlights his medical expertise and patient-centered approach.
Dr. Mustafa Wameed's clinics
Dr. Mustafa Wameed's clinics offer the latest treatment methods worldwide to help patients across the globe who suffer from joint degeneration (such as knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, and elbow degeneration) or those who suffer from sports injuries (to joints, ligaments, muscles, or tendons), rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis of the femoral head (femoral head necrosis), and other joint issues. Whether through conservative or surgical treatments, or innovative regenerative therapies and regenerative cell injections, Dr. Mustafa Wameed's clinics are pioneers in all these different fields of treating various bone and joint diseases.
One of the most common conditions is the degeneration of the knee joint, hip, or other joints. While most of these patients follow traditional treatment methods, such as pain relief or slowing disease progression, or joint replacement in advanced stages of the disease, regenerative therapy provides an alternative solution for many of these cases. This is done through joint arthroscopy followed by the injection of a vascular tissue compound rich in stem cells, or by directly injecting autologous fat rich in stem cells into the joint, or by injecting platelet-rich plasma, after carefully evaluating each case.
Regenerative therapy is characterized as a treatment method aimed at stimulating the regrowth of cartilage and damaged tissues in the joint by utilizing the regenerative cells’ ability to renew and repair these damaged tissues within the joint. This gives patients the opportunity to recover and return to their daily activities by reducing pain and improving mobility without undergoing relatively high-risk surgical procedures. It is noted, however, that advanced cases of joint degeneration may not significantly benefit from regenerative therapy at this time, and surgical joint replacement remains the optimal treatment. It is hoped that regenerative therapy will play a role in treating such advanced cases in the near future.


Welcome to the website of Dr. Mustafa Wameed
A specialist in orthopedic surgery, joint surgery, and fractures, and a researcher in regenerative joint therapy. He was formerly the Medical Director and Head of the Orthopedic Surgery Department and Joint Regenerative Therapy Unit at the American Pacific Medical Group International in Beijing. Dr. Wameed has extensive international experience in multiple countries and performs specialized surgeries at several distinguished hospitals. He has participated in numerous conferences and training courses and has delivered lectures on regenerative joint therapy in various countries around the world. He has also published documented scientific studies on the subject and received the "Best Medical Practice" award from the European Medical Association in 2017.
He is a member of the Jordanian Orthopedic Surgeons Association, the International Society for the Treatment of Injuries and Fractures, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology, the International Federation of Sports Medicine, the International Society for Stem Cell Research, the Australian Stem Cell Research Society, and the International Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.

During his tenure at the American Pacific Medical Group International in Beijing
Dr. Mustafa Wameed focused on developing a specialized technique for joint arthroscopy followed by the injection of autologous fat cells rich in stem cells derived from adipose tissue. The arthroscopy procedure aims to preserve as much tissue as possible, allowing the injected stem cells to rebuild those tissues post-arthroscopy to restore them as closely as possible to their normal anatomical and histological state. This approach has helped a large number of patients successfully return to their previous lifestyles in record time and has protected them from the risk of early joint degeneration, which often follows partial or complete meniscus removal. The method of joint arthroscopy followed by the injection of fat cells rich in stem cells has proven highly successful, as evidenced by the rapid clinical improvement of patients just days after treatment. This improvement includes significant pain reduction, restored joint mobility, and a return to their pre-injury lifestyle without the need for painkillers or other medications. MRI scans have also shown clear growth in the meniscus cartilage following the application of this advanced technique.
Regenerative therapy and stem cell-rich fat cells
Dr. Mustafa Wameed's clinics provide regenerative therapy through injections of microfat and vascular tissue compound rich in stem cells derived from adipose tissue, which are applied to treat knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, and elbow degeneration, as well as sports injuries and other bone and joint conditions. We offer the latest internationally developed methods and techniques for safely, effectively, and securely extracting and isolating autologous regenerative cells. We provide our patients with the most modern, safe, and effective healing options, whose success has been proven through numerous scientific studies and research worldwide, as well as through MRI and X-ray images before and after stem cell injections.